
30 Day OTP Writing Challenge

1. Nose kiss(es)

2. Reunion hug

3. Spooning for warmth

4. Walking hand-in-hand

5. Late night talks

6. Getting caught while making out

7. Surprise(s)

8. Can’t keep hands off each other (in public)

9. (Unnecessary) spoiling

10. Bear hug

11. Fingers in the other’s hair

12. Movie night

13. Hand holding for comfort

14. Forehead kiss(es)

15. Shared looks from across the room

16. Pet names

17. Early morning cuddling

18. Admiring each other

19. Laughing together

20. One (or both) is injured

28. (Bad) flirting

21. Kiss in the rain

22. Blushing

23. Hot and heavy

24. Shoulder kiss(es)

25. Getting dressed up

26. Dancing

27. Falling asleep together

29. Protecting the/each other

30. Date night
